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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Why Good Neighbourhood Is Important in RealEstate ?

Hey, its the 7th of august and we wish you a very pleasant month ahead and happy and safe property search. Over these days we have been thinking how neighbourhood affects a person's living so thought of writing our views about it. Well, everyone knows how education plays a role in everyone's life. These days in our country education has become a luxury than being a right. Everyone isn't so lucky to get education in India. So what happens to those who do not get proper education ? Where do they live ? Society is made up of individuals like me, you and others who procastinate or hesitate to accept such unfortunate people and throw them in a corner where they themselves develop their own worlds. Now we call them "BACKWARD" areas. Whose fault ? Society's of course. You know the sad part is, when you try to tell people about such social issues, instead of turning up they ask "Why should only i have to ?" and when someone alone tries to take the first step to do something good for them then the society circastically makes fun of them.

When such areas where the poor inhabit, People try to reside as far as possible from such localities. Automatically the prices of such areas come down. People who already invested in such areas incur huge losses and have to peddle their lands at very low rates. At the same time if at a remote place which is situated at outskirts of the city gets to build a multiplex or a amusement park, naturally the price of such areas starts hitting the skies. What real estate experts do here is they fetch the information about such constructions soon after the plan is out and purchase the lands nearby in plenty before the construction starts and when the such most talked about constructions come into action then they tend to sell these lands at a very high rate. 

Social responsibility is something which every individual has right after their birth. Government taxes the rich to cutback the difference between rich and the poor. Firstly every individual who is taxable should pay taxes and do good for the society by changing their mindset first that rich-poor doesn't go hand-in-hand. We keep cribbing about the reservations but we do not do anything for the backward classes so that even they can stand proud. Live at any place in your city, place doesn't matter, attitude matters and if you have the right attitude then my dear, you will never complain about things ever again.

Nest infratech, who are one of the emerging builders in India and abroad have properties all over the world for all classes. The company gives shape to some of the most ambitious and luxurious living spaces across the country.

We strive to turn dreams into reality and we know well the happiness one gets when he owns a home. We personally oversee each project to make sure that it adheres to the client’s original design specifications and reflects his lifestyle philosophy making the best use of the available space.